Man's Best Friend

They say that a dog is a man's best friend, but they're wrong: I'm a man, and my best friend is Steve. He's a better friend than a dog could ever be. If I want to hang out, I can call Steve any time, day or night, and he'll be right over, as long as it's not night.

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Dan Markowitz
Message in a Bottle

I know what you’re thinking: “A message in a bottle? How clichéd." Just give me a moment of your time, and then you can get right back to boogie-boarding.

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Dan Markowitz
Our Family Camping Trip

I'm so excited to take you and the kids camping next week! I got our sleeping bags out of the closet, I finished packing the hiking gear, and I already hired a hobo to hide in the woods and wait for us.

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Dan Markowitz