In Case of Hooks, Part 15: "Apocalypse Hooks"
In case of arrival, the Butler Squadron might be holding your elderly aunts hostage.
In case of stand-off, take three nursing home orderlies hostage in retaliation (since they're kind of like butlers for old people).
If the elderly aunts are getting tired and lots of old people are complaining to the orderlies, do a hostage exchange with the Butler Squadron.
If your elderly aunts are safe, ask them if 1990s Hooks-For-Hands Man's elderly aunt lives there too (make sure to ask loudly).
If they say that 1990s Elderly Aunt recently got transferred to a much nicer nursing home, wonder how that recently homeless superhero suddenly got money.
If 1990s Hooks-For-Hands Man had a scraggly beard when you saw him last, realize that The Perfectionist may be casting him in an indie romantic dramedy.
If you suspect 1990s Hooks-For-Hands Man is involved in this terrifying romantic dramedy plan, visit his home behind the burnt-out building.
If the alley now contains velvet-draped dumpsters, diamond-encrusted fire escapes, and all of the litter is solid gold, that is suspicious.
If you're investigating the velvet-draped dumpster, someone may shove you inside and slam the lid down.
If there's commotion outside but you're locked in, you might as well relax on the soft velvet until someone opens the lid and lets you out.
If the commotion dies down and you're freed, The Perfectionist and 1990s Hooks-For-Hands Man may be standing there with Spunky Photographer Girl as their hostage.
If they're kidnapping her, she will probably be forced to play the manic pixie dream girl character in their indie romdramedy.
If she protests that she'll just refuse to act in the movie, The Perfectionist may shrug and say that they can fix that in post.
If The Perfectionist maniacally laughs that the Butler Squad planted bombs around the city, he must be planning on leaving town.
If it's cheaper to film movies in Neighborton (the city next to yours), he's probably moving production of his indie romdramedy over there.
If you last saw the Butler Squad at the retirement home, get back over there before the old people start whining about being blown up.
If they're playing bingo, dramatically burst into the room and yell at them to stop spinning that weird cage with the numbered balls inside.
If the cage is set to explode when someone achieves bingo, defuse it while complaining that bingo is all about luck and requires no skill.
If Books-For-Hands Man is getting tired, tell him to just hang out and play shuffleboard and you'll visit after you finish this adventure.
If you remember seeing the Butler Squad at the abandoned unmarked mailbox, head back over there.
If Fire-For-Hands Man's body is now missing, then let's just leave that case open and solve it later.
If that weird little flag-thing on the side of the mailbox is pointing up to indicate that there's mail inside, it must be a bomb.
In case of second bomb discovery, let Hooks-For-Hands Boy defuse it, since his tiny hooks-hands can fit inside the mailbox better.